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The one with all the quotes

Andrew Kinsler

'Sometimes life gets loud and messes with your ears' shouts Mark Wahlberg after surviving an explosion in buddy cop comedy 'The Other Guys'. Great film by the way...highly recommend!

My interpretation of this is that sometimes life sucks. To quote Friends 'your jobs a joke, you're broke, your love life's DOA'. You might feel like screeching the world to a halt so that you can gather yourself and get stuff done. The to do list is long, you've not had enough sleep and you're still not where you want to be with your work/house/life (to name a few general things that might bother us) but to quote Ellis Paul 'the world ain't slowin' down for no-one'.

The good news is, it's perfectly normal to feel this way and here's why. The brain is a 'do'-er and loves to 'do' things to help, thats why it loves the 'to do' list and anything that involves thinking. However this isn't always useful to us, and more often than not it gets in the way. For example, in the world of Olympic Lifting, if you think too much, you can't lift the weight. That's why they have a thinking box and a lifting box. But if you're trying to 'do' the weight, you can't. To quote Winifred Sanderson from Hocus Pocus (another good movie) 'My doing has been my undoing'.

Here are a few tips that I have used in the past, and have been shared by others to navigate the choppy seas, and find your way to the calm waters that are always in between.

  1. Remember that everyone has felt this way at some point and it is ok to feel uncomfortable emotions.

  2. Set a time and place to deal with things. 'At 1pm today, I am going to tackle that'.

  3. When writing your to do list, start with either the most important thing, or the easiest thing. Momentum is a powerful thing, and once you get started you'll find it much easier to tackle the other tasks.

  4. Give yourself a break if you need to. It's so easy to see celebrities being productive and successful and then convince ourselves that we're not working hard enough. Remember, whoever it is that you admire also takes a day off.

  5. The to do list; my Grandad passed away and still had things to do on his to do list. You'll never get it all done but that's not a bad thing. As humans we crave a challenge. If there was nothing on our to do list, we would quickly find something to put on it. So don't worry if by the end of the day there's still stuff to do, there will always be stuff to do and that's a good thing.

If you've found this blog useful, feel free to share it with someone you love who is having a rough time. To quote Albus Dumbledore 'Help will always be given at Hogwarts, to those who ask for it'.

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