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train for fun!

Andrew Kinsler

In my professional opinion, one of the biggest mistakes you can make when you start any kind of physical fitness routine, is to train for aesthetic. This is because when you do this, you are doing something known as 'end gaining'. This is where you only take part in an activity, in order to get to the end. For example if you do Yoga because you are trying to achieve that 'perfect yoga body' then you are not really doing yoga.

This is the same with formal exercise. If you are only doing it to try and get the perfect arms or the perfect legs then not only are you cheating yourself out of the experience, but you'll also never be content because there is no such thing as 'the perfect body'.

My advice is to find something you love to do, be it formal exercise in a gym, yoga, archery, gymnastics, football, tennis etc and then do that to the best of your ability and for no other reason than the pleasure of doing it itself.

If you can train in this way, not only will you get physically fitter, but you will also be the happier for it. You will discover that exercise can actually be fun, and that the aesthetic you used to desire, is thrown in as a bonus.

So find what you love, do it to the best of your ability, and enjoy the journey because that in itself, is the reward.

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